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New York State Tubal Ligation Laws

New York State Tubal Ligation Laws

I went online to www.emedicine.com and was reading Properativedetails and it states If Federal money is used to fund the BTL, therequired form must be signed 30-180 days prior to the surgery.Furthermore, this consent cannot be obtained if the patients isyounger than 21 yrs, in labor, under the influence of drugs oralchol, mentally incompetent, or having an abortion. I hope thiswas helpful.i was 20 when i had my tubal donei also have 3 kids, i wanted itdone after my 2nd but the doc wouldn't because i was to Youngi alsothink i may be pregnant!!I had mine done at 22. I never had kids. I am just really phobicabout it. I gave sound explanations to my surgeon who compliedafter explaining over and over that while there was a small chancethat the procedure I had performed (metal clips on fallopian tubes)could not be reversed, in all likelihood it could be at a laterdate. Let me repeat that, with metal clips in tubes, 95%+reversibility.

  1. New York State Tubal Ligation Lawsuit
  2. New York State Tubal Ligation Laws In Iowa

Mar 19, 2018 - Getting your tubes tied isn't a particularly common topic of conversation for most of us. Until recently, I had only had one conversation about.

New York State Tubal Ligation Lawsuit

Its been a good perm tp sperm option for me, b/c myuterus is too small for a copper IUD and I did NOT want to takehormones anymore.I was 19 when I had mine done. I had just had my 2nd child 4 monthsprior and was still with the father, (still am:) not that itmatters really). But anyhow, I had to write a 6 page essay as towhy I wanted it done. Then it had to pass before the hospital boardand then get approved.

New York State Tubal Ligation Laws In Iowa

New York State Tubal Ligation Laws

It was a good thing for it to havebeen done then, as I am now 28 and still only have the 2. BUT onthe other hand, I find myself getting depressed at times, as we areboth working now and doing ok, but I would have loved to have had alittle girl, and the thought that I will never have one now reallyhurts. Here in Canada, we have to pay to get it done. I stiil havesex today.and it fills so good but knowing i cant have a baby hurtsANSWERI was 18 when I had my tubes tied. In Maryland, the law is 18and up or delivery of your 2nd child. I had my 3rd baby at 18.

New York State Tubal Ligation Laws