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Fallout New Vegas Part 1

Fallout New Vegas Part 1
  1. Fallout New Vegas Part 16

Sure we reuse from New Vegas but if changes are needed (Centaur for example) they are made. Armors & Clothing:-To keep the look & fell of the game at the same level as the original a lot of armors got a makeover. Which means Fallout The Story will look a bit more clean then Fallout 3 or NV but this change is intended. Jon decides to have some fun playing Fallout New Vegas with a few new rules - this is the Kill Everything run. We'll be playing as Evil Jon, who steps out into the Nevada with one goal; kill absolutely anything that makes the mistake of being in my line of sight. Thanks for checking out my newest let's play! This is going to be a long one. Do not be alarmed. Resident Evil 5, Homefront, & Gears 2 will all be completed. Be sure to show your support by giving.

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War never changes(/spoiler)SEE THIS- The lore of the Fallout series- Classic Fallout Games- Fallout 3 community- Fallout: New Vegas community- Fallout 4 community- Fallout 76 community- Fallout modding community- Fallout Shelter community- Fallout Fan Art- Fallout 'Humor'- Journal-like fan fiction.- A subreddit for the Wasteland games.- Fallout-related cosplay- Fallout-sounding music. NV personally.

While 3 might have better map design and atmosphere, NV has the better writing, plot, game mechanics, lore and DLC, making it superior, especially for immersion over a long period of time (3 is better for immersion on a shorter period, but is more intense). Also has a better modding scene.Personally, I always think the DLCs are the best parts of both games. NV has way better DLC, so NV wins. They really are everything good about Fallout put together into a little box you can explore for a few hours. They even solve the atmosphere problem of NV. I completely agree. I flew through the main quest of Fallout 3, mainly because it really did feel like you were alone out in the wasteland and I wanted to just progress.

With New Vegas, I took my time exploring the world, finding every location and figuring out peaceful resolutions with every faction.However, I wouldn't mind a little bit of a mix. Give me the wasteland of Fallout 3, with the factions and survivors of New Vegas. Give me horror every time I venture from civilization, but I still want to see the political and physical resourcefulness of folks who survived. Everything's subjective but I vastly prefer New Vegas to 3. I played 3 recently and I liked it. I wasn't amazed by it or loved it, though. It also had extremely annoying subways that I had to traverse.

Overall, it felt like a linear game pretending to be open-world. It was a weird feeling. I still liked it, though.

Fallout New Vegas Part 16

Also, Point Lookout, oddly enough, was superior to the base game. It had better exploration, a more interesting setting, and more atmosphere.New Vegas, i my opinion, had pretty enjoyable combat, whereas 3's was almost unbearable. I though the characters were interesting in NV na d nuanced. The companions were much better, each having an interesting back-story, and their own views. I thought the story was more interesting, the Courier was just cooler than the Lone Wanderer, and I loved how you aren't the Wasteland Jesus but rather a simple man getting into something much bigger than himself.

I like the lonely atmosphere as I explore NV and the joy when I find a settlement. NV's settlements are much more interesting than 3's (3's just seemed rather random, tbh). I think NV has better voice-acting for the main-characters.

Fallout new vegas time

I love how the plot of New Vegas is not linear and how the world is pretty reactive. I love the faction system as it actually makes your choices worth a damn. The speech is better in New Vegas.

I generally found the quests more interesting than 3's. I even preferred the music in New Vegas to 3. New Vegas was much cooler than 3-Dog, who was pretty lame and rather obnoxious, imo. New Vegas has better DLC with the amazing additions of Dead Money, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road. Honest Hearts is also very good. I found exploration funner in New Vegas and the map felt more open and more dangerous, somehow.Overall, I think New Vegas is vastly superior in every respect to Fallout 3.

While I liked 3, NV has made it so that I cannot even go back to 3 because 3 is so bland in comparison to NV.

Fallout New Vegas Part 1